How to Use a Standing Desk

How to Use a Standing Desk

There are many articles, books and talks arising that discuss the problems with a sedentary lifestyle. Whether it be through Dr. James Levine’s coined phrase, “sitting is the new smoking” or the countless other...

Part-Time Student, Full-Time Biohacker

Image source: Tim Green If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d be eating up to 4 tablespoons of fats (coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, etc.) per day, I would have thought they...
Can a high fat diet cause cardiovascular risk?

Can A High Fat Diet Increase Your Cardiovascular Risk?

When people switch to a Bulletproof-style diet, which includes plenty of good fats, with a lot less carbs than the standard Western-style diet, one of the things they may notice is a rise in...
Bulletproof, Natural Beauty Products

My Top 3 Natural Beauty Products

Did you know that our skin is the largest and fastest growing organ in the human body? Growing up I suffered from eczema and dry skin, so have always been mindful of what beauty...
What causes fatigue? Part 2: A Bulletproof functional medicine perspective

What Causes Fatigue? Part 2: Thyroid, Adrenals, Gut & Biochemical Processes

In Part One of “What Causes Fatigue?” we talked about optimising diet, sleep and assessing common nutrient deficiencies. This is a good place to start but many people have already done this and still...

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