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8 Recipes to Make Your Coffee More Bulletproof

8 Recipes to Make Your Coffee More Bulletproof
If you’ve ever made Bulletproof Coffee before, you’re familiar with the benefits of adding healthy fats to your diet. The clean, long-lasting energy that comes with a cup of Bulletproof Coffee is like no other. And just like any recipe, we can hack this one too. Many people living the Bulletproof lifestyle have hacked, tweaked and experimented with new recipes...

Part-Time Student, Full-Time Biohacker

Image source: Tim Green If someone had told me a few years ago that I’d be eating up to 4 tablespoons of fats (coconut oil, olive oil, ghee, etc.) per day, I would have thought they were crazy. If they had also told me that eating that way would leave me at roughly 10% body fat, with incredible mental clarity, and...

Grass-Fed Butter in Australia

Here are some of my tips on finding grass-fed butter in Australia. From our research and contributions from farming industry insiders, there is no milk available from 100% Grass-fed cows. Generally, any grass-fed statements really mean 95% of grass in their diet, however when they are milked in the dairy, they are given brewers grain. This feeds the bacteria in the...

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