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More Than Meditation: How to Stay Present in a Busy World

More Than Meditation: How to Stay Present in a Busy World
Meditation, yoga and flotation tanks. These are just some ways in which we can switch off from the world and just be with our own thoughts. After reading Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now over the Christmas holidays, I've been trying to be more present in everyday life. One thing I've learnt – it's really hard! However, the benefits...

Navigating the Bulletproof Diet in Brisbane

The Bulletproof Diet in Brisbane, Australia
Finding Bulletproof foods in Brisbane is a relatively simple affair, with a variety of organic, paleo or otherwise bulletproof-friendly grocery stores dotted around the city. And even when those fail to deliver, there are various farmers markets and online stores which will cater to you. The challenge isn’t so much finding the goods, but rather finding them at a...

Optimising Your Health With Functional Pathology Testing

Functional Pathology Testing Australia
Michael Smith is a Naturopath and Functional Medicine Practitioner at Planet Naturopath. He has provided a guide for functional pathology testing in Australia. Enter Michael: If you are following a Bulletproof lifestyle, or even just looking into it to see how it can help with your health and performance, then you must be passionate about your health. We all want improved...

10 Bulletproof Coffee Cafes in Sydney, Australia

Bulletproof Coffee Cafes Sydney Australia
Sticking to the Bulletproof diet lifestyle in Sydney is easy with plenty of Bulletproof cafes, health food stores and meal delivery services around. The community continues to grow larger every year. Where do you buy Bulletproof food? Are there any Bulletproof-aligned doctors around? Most importantly, where can you find Bulletproof coffee? These are questions we’re going to answer for...

How to Stay Bulletproof When You’re Eating Out

Stay Bulletproof When You're Eating Out
We all like to eat out, whether it be with friends, families or work colleagues. I love trying breakfast at the new cafes that are popping up all over the place and having mid-week dinners with my girlfriends. However, navigating a restaurant menu to find a healthy choice can be difficult, time-consuming and (as my partner tells me) annoying to...

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