Can a high fat diet cause cardiovascular risk?

Can A High Fat Diet Increase Your Cardiovascular Risk?

When people switch to a Bulletproof-style diet, which includes plenty of good fats, with a lot less carbs than the standard Western-style diet, one of the things they may notice is a rise in...
Bulletproof, Natural Beauty Products

My Top 3 Natural Beauty Products

Did you know that our skin is the largest and fastest growing organ in the human body? Growing up I suffered from eczema and dry skin, so have always been mindful of what beauty...
What causes fatigue? Part 2: A Bulletproof functional medicine perspective

What Causes Fatigue? Part 2: Thyroid, Adrenals, Gut & Biochemical Processes

In Part One of “What Causes Fatigue?” we talked about optimising diet, sleep and assessing common nutrient deficiencies. This is a good place to start but many people have already done this and still...
Vibration Training in Australia

Enhance Your Performance, Recovery and Health with Vibration Training

When it comes to optimizing human performance, you can’t go past whole body vibration (WBV.) Whole body vibration training is incredible for every system in the body, and in particular helps to create a...

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