How I Reduced My Workout Time By 93.3% and Built More Muscle

How I Reduced My Workout Time By 93.3% and Built More Muscle

It’s no revelation that when we exercise, our bodies are healthier as a result. What might be a little less known is that not only does our physical health improve, but so too does...
Bulletproof raw chocolate chunk cookie dough recipe Australia

Raw Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough Recipe

Recently, my sister asked me to make a Raw Cookie Dough cake for my nephews 2nd Birthday. From birth, he's had a very healthy, high in good fats, Paleo-ish diet, so I was excited to...
A guide to optimising your digestion in Australia

Optimising Your Digestion

Living a Bulletproof lifestyle is one of the best ways to improve both your physical and mental health. In particular, one of the biggest changes that I see in clients who ditch the grains...
The creator of Bulletproof® Living in Melbourne Shares his story... and races!

The Organiser of Bulletproof® Living Melbourne Shares His Story

Hi, I’m Hong, a Bulletproof® aficionado and soon to be Certified Bulletproof® Coach.  I'm the organiser and host of a monthly Meetup group in Melbourne for like minded people to connect in person, share...
Bulletproof Diet and Foods in Brisbane

How to Be a Smarter Bulletproof Shopper in Brisbane

Eating the bulletproof diet–or any similar paleo aligned diet–can be expensive.  I’ll be honest and admit that I spend more than I should on organic food and products. I almost went broke buying avocados...

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